
For students who want to study with a scholarship in Turkey; there are various scholarship options including scholarships provided by Republic of Turkey, scholarships provided by students' own states, scholarships offered by various national and international institutions and organizations, scholarships of universities. The opportunities and amounts offered by the scholarship institutions vary. Some of these institutions also cover the cost of transportation from your country to Turkey. The amount of monthly scholarships also varies according to the level of education of international students.

You can review which scholarships are available on web page of the university and get general information on details page. In addition, there are also scholarship programs provided by Turkish Scholarships and Council of Higher Education (CoHE).


CoHE Scholarship for International Students

It is aimed for international students at undergraduate and graduate levels in countries signing protocols with the Council of Higher Education. If students who are admitted in Turkish higher education programs do not have Turkish Proficiency Certificate, a one year language preparation is offered to the students.

For more information about YÖK Scholarship Click here


Türkiye Scholarships

In addition to providing financial support, Türkiye Scholarships allow international students to be placed in the university in their intended application program. With this feature, it differs from other scholarship programs in the world. The aim of Türkiye Scholarships is to ensure that students benefit from social and cultural activities during their time in Turkey as well as university education. This Scholarship Program also covers the needs of students such as accommodation and health insurance during the education period.

For more information about Türkiye Scholarships Click here

Yayın Tarihi: 14.08.2023