What is the official name of the country? |
Republic of Turkey
What is the capital? |
What is the political system? |
Democratic, secular, social law state founded in 1923
What is the form of government? |
Unitary presidential constitutional republic
What is the official language? |
Who is the president? |
Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN
What is the population? |
82 million
How is the international relations? |
Turkey is a part of the Council of Europe, NATO, OECD, AGIT and G-20. Turkey have been in Customs Union since 1995 and the negotiations on the full memberships of Turkey to EU are in progress.
What is the currency? |
Turkish Lira
What is the time zone? |
UTC +3
How is the climate? |
Turkey is within the mild temperature zone. The coastal areas have a temperate Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters
What is the calling code? |
What is the internet top- level domain? |
How is the driving direction? |
Right-hand lane
What is the standard voltage and the frequency? |
Turkey operates on 220 volts, 50 Hz, with round-prong European-style plugs that fit into recessed wall sockets /points.